Shazam! Fury of the Gods is going to be an exciting movie. With a star-studded cast that includes the likes of DC newcomers Rachel Zegler and Helen Mirren, it’s shaping up to be a well-crafted sequel to the hit that was 2019’s Shazam!. However, we’ve uncovered some new information on the upcoming sequel and how a legendary Titan will factor into it.

One Take News has been doing some digging and we came across an IMDB listing that claims an actor by the name of Derek Russo will be playing the legendary Titan Atlas in Fury of the Gods. Now, we must preface this by saying that IMDB is usually not fully trustworthy due to the fact you can add and remove listings on the site. But, it seems unusual for a character like Atlas, who has deep ties to Shazam and the mythos of all the gods as well to be added here for no reason. Pair that with the fact that in the DC Fandome video, we saw producer Peter Safran mention we’re going to see the Realm of Gods and it looks like there’s a good chance at seeing Atlas in the film.

For those who don’t know, Atlas represents the ‘A’ in Shazam’s name. Shazam’s name is an acronym and each letter represents the powers he gets from specific gods and he gets stamina from Atlas. In Greek mythology, Atlas is tasked with holding up the sky. Zeus gave him this punishment for leading the Titans in battle agains the Olympian Gods. Atlas has immense amounts of stamina to hold up the skies. Thus, Shazam has immense amounts of stamina.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods is currently in production for a June 2, 2023 release.